Hunting with Soldiers, Established in 2007, sole mission is to bring Combat Veterans, of all wars, and of all branches of the Military, into the great outdoors to give them the healing from PTSD that only Mother Nature can provide. We do not require any of the Combat Veterans to have been injured in Combat. PTSD is the unseen injury and where the most numbers of Veteran suicide come from. Hunting with Soldiers does this by bringing Combat Veterans together and providing Hunting and Fishing Adventures at no cost to them. They only have to get to the location and everything, including accommodations, food, etc., is provided by Hunting with Soldiers through the generous donations of the public. These Veterans only need to relax, have a good time, and heal. Hunting with Soldiers prides itself in doing all of this with 100% Volunteer Staff. That means that nobody collects a paycheck. Our pay is gained from the feeling we receive in our hearts when we personally witness these Men and Women heal. Bringing these Men and Women together in the outdoors allows them to know that they are not alone in the fight against the demons we call Post Traumatic Stress. They then have a network to reach out to when those demons come to haunt them. We encourage all to join our Facebook group here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/huntingwithsoldiers/ Any upcoming Combat Veteran hunting or fishing adventures we have will be posted there with instructions on how to apply. If you do not have a Facebook, we also post these trips under the events section here in the website.
Another thing Hunting with Soldiers does is we provide hunting adventures for the Children of Combat Veterans. Since our goal is for the healing of PTSD, what better way to heal than for the Combat Veteran to get out into the outdoors with their Son or Daughter. Our only rule is that the Child be 16 or under. Why should you Donate: Hunting with Soldiers is a 501(c)3, Guide Star Approved Platinum Status, Non Profit. You will have the comfort of knowing that 100% of your donations are used for our Mission. You will also have the comfort of knowing that we vet the Combat Veterans to make sure they are who they say they are. Our goal is to provide these adventures for the Men and Women who can not otherwise get into the outdoors. Your donations go to where they are needed, including the donation of land for hunting. Your Donations are also Tax Deductible. With the statistics of 22 Combat Veterans a day committing suicide, you have the comfort of knowing that your funds are used to give an avenue for these Men and Women to heal mentally, thus possibly preventing many of these 22 a day.
How can you Donate: You can click on the following links to find many ways in which you can donate:
If you have land that you would like to allow Hunting with Soldiers to use for the healing of Combat Veterans, please note that we have Hold Harmless Agreements that all Veterans sign which protects the Landowner and their Representatives. If you are interested in providing property for year-round, during a certain season, or just a few days, please email us at huntingwithsoldiers@live.com
The Donor/Sponsor will have their logo and link to their website on our Sponsors page allowing their business to be seen nationwide. If you are a Corporate Sponsor, we will also have your logo on our Banners, which will be displayed at any fundraiser or event that Hunting with Soldiers is a part of as well as on any flyers handed out at any event.
22 Combat Veterans commit suicide every day. With your sponsorship, Hunting with Soldiers can do our part in helping prevent as many of these tragedies as we possibly can. With these Outdoor Adventures, these Men and Women are given hope, healing, and a reason to move forward.
All donations are tax deductible as allowed by law.
Thank you
Gordon Melton
Hunting with Soldiers Inc.
Email: huntingwithsoldiers@live.com
Hunting with Soldiers Inc. is approved by IRS and GuideStar as a 501(c)(3) Nonprofit
that provides hunting, fishing, and other outdoor activities to Combat Veterans.
Hunting with Soldiers provides these opportunities to these brave individuals AT NO CHARGE TO THEM. It is our firm belief that these men and women have paid enough in blood, sweat and tears and sacrificed enough for our freedom. We do not require that they be an Injured Veteran we just require them to have been to combat to qualify for our Program.
Many injuries are not seen. Many Combat Veterans come back and suffer from PTSD. They are sent to Doctors to discuss their situations as well as given many medications. Due to the fact what they say is most often written down or recorded, many do not discuss everything. When these Men and Women are able to get back into the outdoors and sit around the camp fire, they are able to talk with like minded individuals and tell of their horrors. What they say is never repeated, thus allowing much of their nightmares to disappear with the smoke of the camp fire. We call this Outdoor Medication.
We also provide several outdoor adventures for Children of Combat Veterans. What better way to help our goals of healing from PTSD than for the Combat Veteran to go on a hunt with their Son or Daughter. We only require that the child be 16 or younger for these hunts. Our Donors have the satisfaction of knowing that their donations go to all we do for these men, women, & children, not to pay staff. All of our Staff are strictly volunteer.
Hunting with Soldiers Inc. was created by Gordon Melton in 2007. Gordon created this program in an effort to give back to those that have sacrificed so much for our freedom. He has stood firm in his belief that the Great Outdoors is a far better approach to mental healing than any medication. Being a Disabled Veteran himself, he knows the trials and tribulations that these true heroes go through on a daily basis.
The Hunting with Soldiers team originated with Gordon and Cindy Melton. Since this time the HwS team expanded and is now in full function as a board and a 501c3 Non-Profit Organization.
What we Do
We Get our Combat Veterans into the outdoors. We house the Combat Veterans as well as feed them, and get the supplies needed to give them all of the comforts possible and the best time possible. Providing for the Mental Healing the Outdoors allows to help prevent the long term effects of PTSD.